what led to the atlanta race riot of 1906 that resulted in over a dozen african americans and three whites killed?

please steve or zero or ms sue or kymy

The main cause of the race riot was newspaper-publicized of four white women in separate incidents by African American men.


The Atlanta race riot of 1906 was a violent outbreak of racial tensions between African Americans and whites in Atlanta, Georgia. The exact cause of the riot is complex and multifaceted, but there were several factors that contributed to the escalation of tensions.

1. Economic competition: At the time, Atlanta was experiencing rapid growth and industrialization, which led to increased competition for jobs and resources between African Americans and whites. Many white workers felt threatened by African Americans who were willing to work for lower wages.

2. Sensationalized media: Various newspaper articles and editorials at the time perpetuated racist stereotypes and fueled resentment among white readers. Some publications spread false rumors of African American men assaulting white women, which further inflamed racial tensions.

3. The trigger incident: The immediate cause of the riot was an alleged assault on several white women. On September 22, 1906, Atlanta newspapers reported four alleged assaults, though these claims were later debunked. The news of these alleged attacks spread quickly and further incited white mobs.

4. Political climate: The political climate of the time played a role in the escalation of the riot. Georgia's governor, Hoke Smith, was a white supremacist who used racial tensions to gain political support. His stance further widened the divide and incited violence.

To understand the full context and details, it is recommended to refer to historical accounts, primary sources, and scholarly articles that examine the Atlanta race riot of 1906.