What is the best paraphrase of the final stanza?

A. The water slows until it reaches its destiny, a place not too different from mine, where the water stretches to meet the sky. Other people use it like a mirror. They fish and think here.
B. The water comes back to my special place. I watch people sit and fish and think about the world. They are just like me.
C. The water get slower until it stops flowing. It ends at a place that looks like where I like to sit. I imagine people looking into the river like it is a mirror.
D. The water get slower until it gets to the ocean, which looks like the place I like to sit. People at this part of the river fish and think about the world here, just like I do.
Is the answer D?
Thank you


Thank you

Yes, the best paraphrase of the final stanza is option D: "The water gets slower until it reaches the ocean, which resembles my favorite spot. People at this part of the river engage in fishing and contemplation, just like me." This paraphrase encapsulates the main ideas expressed in the final stanza regarding the slowing flow of the water, the ocean being similar to the speaker's favorite spot, and people fishing and contemplating just like the speaker. Well done!

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