What kind of Government did venezuela have 1850-1935?

Between 1850-1935, Venezuela had a MILITARY DICTATORSHIP

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Darn it I can't

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To determine the type of government Venezuela had from 1850 to 1935, you would typically need to consult historical documents, texts, and scholarly sources. However, I can provide you with a general overview of Venezuela's government during that period.

From 1850 to 1935, Venezuela underwent significant political changes, including multiple constitutions and various forms of government. Here are some key highlights:

1. Federal Republic (1859-1864): Following the Federal War (1859-1863), Venezuela adopted a federal republic system, with a written constitution that outlined a division of power between the central government and state governments.

2. Liberal Caudillos (1864-1899): In the second half of the 19th century, Venezuela experienced a period of political instability, characterized by frequent coups and the rise of powerful military leaders known as caudillos. These caudillos often imposed an authoritarian rule, temporarily replacing the republican institutions.

3. Dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez (1908-1935): In 1908, Juan Vicente Gómez came to power through a coup d'état and established a dictatorial regime. During his rule, Venezuela experienced a long period of political stability and economic growth, but at the expense of suppression of civil liberties and a lack of democratic institutions.

Overall, Venezuela during this period went through a mix of republican and autocratic governments, with the dominance of caudillos and the extended dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez being the most notable features. Please note that this is a simplified summary, and for a more comprehensive understanding, consulting scholarly sources is recommended.

Such a rr


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