I ned these classified as metallic, ionic, molecular or covalent network and two reasons why.

Ascorbic acid
Palmitic acid
Sodium chloride


Classification: Metallic
1. Aluminum is a metal and is known for its high electrical and thermal conductivity. These properties are characteristic of metallic substances.
2. Aluminum has a metallic luster and is malleable and ductile, which are also common properties of metals.

Ascorbic acid:

Classification: Molecular
1. Ascorbic acid is composed of individual molecules held together by covalent bonds. These bonds are formed when atoms share electrons, which is characteristic of molecular substances.
2. Ascorbic acid has a definite molecular structure with a specific arrangement of atoms. This is typical of molecular compounds rather than ionic or metallic compounds.


Classification: Covalent Network
1. Graphite is composed of a three-dimensional network of covalent bonds. Each carbon atom is bonded to three other neighboring carbon atoms, resulting in a continuous network of hexagonal rings.
2. Graphite has a high melting point and is an excellent conductor of electricity due to its unique structure. These properties are characteristic of covalent network substances.


Classification: Covalent Network
1. Paraffin is composed of long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. This molecular structure gives paraffin its physical properties.
2. Paraffin has a relatively low melting point and is a poor conductor of electricity, which is typical of covalent network substances.

Palmitic acid:

Classification: Covalent Network
1. Palmitic acid consists of a long hydrocarbon chain connected to a carboxyl group. The carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds in the hydrocarbon chain are covalent bonds.
2. Palmitic acid has a high melting point and is insoluble in water, characteristics of covalent network substances.

Sodium chloride:

Classification: Ionic
1. Sodium chloride is formed by the transfer of electrons from sodium atoms to chloride atoms. This electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions results in the formation of an ionic lattice structure.
2. Sodium chloride has a high melting and boiling point, as well as good conductivity in the molten or aqueous state, which are typical characteristics of ionic compounds.


Classification: Molecular
1. Sucrose consists of individual molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms held together by covalent bonds. These bonds result from the sharing of electrons between atoms.
2. Sucrose is a soluble compound in water and does not conduct electricity in the solid, liquid, or aqueous state, typical of molecular substances.


Classification: Molecular
1. Water is composed of individual H2O molecules held together by covalent bonds. The sharing of electrons between hydrogen and oxygen atoms results in the molecular structure.
2. Water has a low boiling and melting point, as well as a high heat capacity, which are characteristic of molecular compounds.

To classify the given compounds as metallic, ionic, molecular, or covalent network, we need to understand the type of bonding present in each compound. Let's analyze each compound individually:

1. Aluminum (Al):
Aluminum is a metallic element. Metallic bonds form between metal atoms. In this case, multiple aluminum atoms share their valence electrons throughout a lattice structure, leading to the characteristic properties of metals, such as high thermal and electrical conductivity. Two reasons why aluminum is considered metallic:

a. High conductivity: Metallic bonding allows electrons to move freely within the lattice, making aluminum an excellent conductor of heat and electricity.
b. Malleability and ductility: Due to the ability of metallic bonds to slide past each other while maintaining their bond, aluminum can be easily shaped or drawn into wires.

2. Ascorbic acid (C6H8O6):
Ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C, is a covalent molecular compound. Molecular bonds form between nonmetal atoms by sharing electrons. Two reasons why ascorbic acid is considered molecular:

a. Low electrical conductivity: Covalent molecules do not possess freely moving electrons, resulting in non-conductivity.
b. Volatility: Covalent compounds often have low boiling and melting points, and ascorbic acid is no exception. It vaporizes readily when heated.

3. Graphite (C):
Graphite is a form of carbon that consists of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. It is a covalent network compound. Carbon atoms within each layer are covalently bonded, while the layers themselves are held together by weak forces. Two reasons why graphite is considered covalent network:

a. High electrical conductivity (in layers): Although each layer is a covalent network on its own, the layers have delocalized electrons due to the overlapping orbitals. This allows graphite to conduct electricity within the layers.
b. Lubricity: The weak forces between layers in graphite result in a slippery structure, enabling the layers to slide against each other easily. This property makes graphite useful as a lubricant.

4. Paraffin (CnH2n+2):
Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons primarily composed of long-chain alkanes (e.g., C25H52). It is a covalent molecular compound, similar to ascorbic acid. Two reasons why paraffin is considered molecular:

a. Low electrical conductivity: Covalent molecules, including paraffin, lack free-moving charged particles, so they are poor conductors of electricity.
b. Low volatility: Paraffin has high boiling and melting points, indicating that it requires significant energy to break the weak intermolecular forces holding its molecules together.

5. Palmitic acid (C16H32O2):
Palmitic acid is a long-chain, saturated fatty acid. Like other organic compounds, it is a covalent molecular compound. Two reasons why palmitic acid is considered molecular:

a. Low electrical conductivity: Covalent compounds, including organic molecules like palmitic acid, do not have readily moving charged particles, so they do not conduct electricity.
b. Solubility: Due to their polar and nonpolar regions, fatty acids can mix well with other similar compounds, making them soluble in organic solvents such as alcohol or oils.

6. Sodium chloride (NaCl):
Sodium chloride is a well-known ionic compound, composed of sodium cations (Na+) and chloride anions (Cl−). Ionic bonds form between a metal and a nonmetal by transferring electrons. Two reasons why sodium chloride is considered ionic:

a. High electrical conductivity: In an ionic compound like sodium chloride, ions are present, and when dissolved in water or melted, these ions can move freely and conduct electricity.
b. Dissolvability: Ionic compounds are often soluble in polar solvents like water due to the attraction between the oppositely charged ions.

7. Sucrose (C12H22O11):
Sucrose, commonly known as table sugar, is a covalent molecular compound. It is composed of 12 carbon (C), 22 hydrogen (H), and 11 oxygen (O) atoms. Two reasons why sucrose is considered molecular:

a. Low electrical conductivity: Like other molecular compounds, sucrose does not have free-moving charged particles and thus cannot conduct electricity.
b. Water solubility: Sucrose is soluble in water due to its polar nature and the formation of hydrogen bonds between the sucrose molecules and water molecules.

8. Water (H2O):
Water is a covalent molecular compound, consisting of two hydrogen (H) atoms covalently bonded to an oxygen (O) atom. Two reasons why water is considered molecular:

a. Low electrical conductivity: Pure water is a poor conductor of electricity due to its relatively small number of ions resulting from self-ionization.
b. High boiling and melting points: Compared to other molecular compounds, water has higher boiling and melting points due to intermolecular hydrogen bonding, creating relatively strong attractions between water molecules.

By examining the type of atoms, bonding, and properties exhibited by each compound, we can classify them accordingly.