the philosophy of a child care program describes to go about accomplishing your goals
b.a list of policy considerations for parents to follow

my answer is a


To confirm your answer, let's break down the options and examine them more closely.

Option A suggests that the philosophy of a childcare program describes "how to go about accomplishing your goals." This would mean that the philosophy outlines the principles, values, and approaches that guide the program to achieve its desired outcomes and objectives.

Option B states that the philosophy is "a list of policy considerations for parents to follow." However, it's important to note that policy considerations are typically separate from the philosophy of a program. A philosophy typically relates to the core beliefs and values that shape the program's approach to childcare, rather than specifying specific policies that parents should adhere to.

Given these explanations, it appears that your answer, option A, is correct. The philosophy of a childcare program usually refers to the overarching set of beliefs, principles, and practices that guide the program in accomplishing its goals and shaping its approach to childcare.