18.   The Cenozoic Era is also referred to as the 

A. Age of Dinosaurs.
B. Age of Mammals.
C. Age of Fish.
D. First Era.




B is right.

The Cenozoic is sometimes called the Age of Mammals, because the largest land animals have been mammals during that time.

Thanks Ms.Sue and Damon.

Yes the answer was B.thanks

The correct answer is B. Age of Mammals.

To arrive at the correct answer, it is helpful to have some background knowledge about the different eras in Earth's history. The Cenozoic Era is the most recent geological era and spans from about 66 million years ago to the present day. It is characterized by the dominance and diversification of mammals on Earth.

To determine whether the Cenozoic Era is referred to as the Age of Dinosaurs, Age of Fish, Age of Mammals, or First Era, we can eliminate a few options based on known facts. The Age of Dinosaurs refers to the Mesozoic Era, which came before the Cenozoic Era. The Age of Fish refers to the Paleozoic Era, which is even further back.

This leaves us with options B, Age of Mammals, and D, First Era. However, "First Era" is not an accurate or commonly used terminology to describe the Cenozoic Era. Thus, the correct answer is B. Age of Mammals.

In summary, by eliminating the options that do not align with the known facts, we can determine that the Cenozoic Era is referred to as the Age of Mammals.