Irene counted 12 brown houses in her neighborhood. The 12 houses represent 16% of her neighborhood. How many houses are in her neighborhood.

0.16x = 12

x = 12/0.16

x = 75

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You are very welcome.

To find out the total number of houses in Irene's neighborhood, you can use the concept of proportions.

Let's set up a proportion using the given information:

Brown Houses / Total Houses = Percent / 100

Plugging in the values we know, we have:
12 / Total Houses = 16 / 100

To solve for the unknown variable, Total Houses, we can cross-multiply:

12 * 100 = 16 * Total Houses

1200 = 16 * Total Houses

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 16 to isolate the Total Houses:

1200 / 16 = Total Houses

After performing the division, we find that the total number of houses in Irene's neighborhood is 75. Therefore, there are 75 houses in her neighborhood.