William earns $13 an hour working at a movie theater. Last week he worked h hours at the concession stand and three times as many hours at the ticket counter. Write and simplify an expression for the amount of money William earned last week.


To calculate the amount of money William earned last week, we need to find the total number of hours he worked and multiply it by his hourly wage of $13.

Let's assume that William worked h hours at the concession stand. According to the problem, he worked three times as many hours at the ticket counter, so he worked 3h hours at the ticket counter.

Therefore, the total number of hours worked is h + 3h = 4h.

To calculate the total amount earned, we multiply the total number of hours worked (4h) by William's hourly wage of $13.

The expression for the amount of money William earned last week is:
Total earnings = 4h * $13

To simplify the expression, we multiply 4h by $13:

Total earnings = $52h

So, the simplified expression for the amount of money William earned last week is $52h.


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13 h 4h 53?