How many years old is a person if her age now is equal to her age in 3 years x 3, less 3 times her age 3 years ago?

Let's break down the information step by step:

1. Let's assign a variable to represent the person's age now. Let's call it "x".

2. According to the given information, her age in 3 years will be "x + 3".

3. Also according to the given information, her age 3 years ago was "x - 3".

4. The question states that her age now is equal to her age in 3 years multiplied by 3, less 3 times her age 3 years ago. So the equation becomes: x = (x + 3) * 3 - (3 * (x - 3)).

Let's simplify the equation step by step:

x = (x + 3) * 3 - (3 * (x - 3))
= 3(x + 3) - 3(x - 3)
= 3x + 9 - 3x + 9
= 9 + 9
= 18

Therefore, the person's age is 18 years old.

To calculate the person's age, we can break down the given information into the following steps:

Step 1: Let's assign a variable to the person's age now.
Let's call her age now "x".

Step 2: Calculate her age in 3 years.
Her age in 3 years would be "x + 3".

Step 3: Multiply her age in 3 years by 3.
This gives us "(x + 3) * 3".

Step 4: Calculate her age 3 years ago.
Her age 3 years ago would be "x - 3".

Step 5: Multiply her age 3 years ago by 3.
This gives us "(x - 3) * 3".

Now, we can use the equation to find the person's age:
Her age now (x) = (x + 3) * 3 - (x - 3) * 3.

Simplifying the equation:

x = 3(x + 3) - 3(x - 3)

Expanding the equation:

x = 3x + 9 - 3x + 9

Simplifying further:

x = 6 + 9

x = 15

Therefore, the person is 15 years old.

age now is x.

x = 3(x+3)-3(x-3)