If Zachary takes 3 steps for every 2 steps Richie takes how nany steps will Zachary take if Richie takes 18 steps

3/2 * 18 = ?


To find out how many steps Zachary will take if Richie takes 18 steps, we need to determine the ratio between their steps. According to the given information, Zachary takes 3 steps for every 2 steps Richie takes.

Step 1: Set up the ratio:
Zachary's steps : Richie's steps = 3 : 2

Step 2: Determine the constant of proportionality:
To find the constant of proportionality, we add the two corresponding parts of the ratio (3 + 2 = 5):
Constant of proportionality = 5

Step 3: Find Zachary's steps:
Since Richie takes 18 steps, we can use the constant of proportionality to find Zachary's steps.
Zachary's steps = Constant of proportionality × Richie's steps
Zachary's steps = 5 × 18 = 90

Therefore, Zachary will take 90 steps if Richie takes 18 steps.