what are the different names of equipment used for cooking?

Please post the names of the equipment that you know. Then, we'll be glad to help you find more names, if necessary.

Sure! Here are some common types of equipment used for cooking:

1. Stove or Cooktop: a kitchen appliance used for cooking food by applying heat directly to the bottom of pots, pans, or other cookware.

2. Oven: a kitchen appliance used for baking, roasting, and heating food by surrounding it with hot air.

3. Microwave: a kitchen appliance that uses electromagnetic radiation to cook or heat food quickly.

4. Blender: an appliance used to puree, emulsify, or mix food and liquids.

5. Food Processor: an appliance used to chop, slice, grind, or puree food.

6. Slow Cooker or Crock-Pot: an electrical cooking appliance that simmers food at a low temperature for an extended period of time.

7. Grill or Barbecue: a cooking device that uses direct heat to cook food, typically outdoors.

8. Toaster or Toaster Oven: a small appliance used to toast bread, bagels, or other food items.

9. Pressure Cooker: a sealed pot that uses high-pressure steam to cook food quickly.

10. Rice Cooker: a countertop appliance used to cook rice automatically.

These are just a few examples, but there are many more types of cooking equipment available. Let me know if you need more information or additional names!