Hi i have to do an essay. i have already done all the research but i don't know how to organize my essay. Can someone help me. The question is

Was the American Revolution an accelerated evolution rather than a cataclysmic revolution? Evaluate the accuracy of both of these descriptions and then further evaluate the relative importance of the following as factors prompting Americans to rebel in 1776:
parliamentary taxation
restriction of civil liberties
British military measures
the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas

Thank you very much

Here is a great site on how to go about organizing an essay.


no its that i am confused about the question and which part to focus on

First define each of the options. What is accelerated evolution - What is a cataclysmic revolution? Then decide which the Revolution was. Then use each of the 4 criteria you have been given to support your thesis.

Your thesis sentence should answer this question: "Was the American Revolution an accelerated revolution rather than a cataclysmic revolution?"

After you decide whether you think the Revolution was an accelerated revolution or a cataclysmic revolutioon, write your thesis statement. Then support your position by including the four listed factors. Devote one or more paragraphs to each one.

should i have a body phargraph discussing how it can be accelerated evolution and how it can be a cataclysmic revolution or should but that in the other 4 body phargraphs

You have to decide first which it was, then use the body paragraphs to support that decision.

if i decide it is accelerated evolution do i have to mention how it could be considered cataclysmic revolution

Yes. "Evaluate the accuracy of both of these descriptions . . ."

You'll need to also briefly discuss why you don't think it was a cataclysmic revolution.

Of course, I can help you with organizing your essay for the question you provided. Here is a suggested approach:

1. Introduction:
a. Begin by giving a brief background of the American Revolution and its significance.
b. Introduce the idea of whether the American Revolution can be seen as an accelerated evolution or a cataclysmic revolution.
c. State your thesis, which should provide an overview of your opinion on the accuracy of both descriptions.

2. Body paragraphs:
a. Start with a paragraph evaluating whether the American Revolution was an accelerated evolution.
i. Provide evidence highlighting gradual changes leading up to the revolution.
ii. Discuss the influence of Enlightenment ideas on American political thought.
iii. Explain how social and economic developments set the stage for rebellion.

b. Follow with a paragraph evaluating whether the revolution was a cataclysmic event.
i. Discuss specific events during the revolution that support the description of it as cataclysmic.
ii. Analyze the widespread impact on society, economy, and politics.
iii. Examine how it challenged traditional power structures and social norms.

c. Continue with a paragraph evaluating the relative importance of parliamentary taxation in prompting Americans to rebel.
i. Discuss the role of taxation acts like the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts.
ii. Analyze how these acts sparked resistance and led to calls for independence.
iii. Consider counterarguments or limitations to the importance of taxation in the rebellion.

d. Move on to a paragraph evaluating the restriction of civil liberties as a factor prompting rebellion.
i. Describe specific British policies that limited civil liberties, such as the Quartering Act and the Intolerable Acts.
ii. Discuss the impact these policies had on rallying support for the revolution.
iii. Consider other factors that may have influenced the rebellion alongside civil liberties.

e. Proceed with a paragraph evaluating the importance of British military measures as a factor behind the rebellion.
i. Analyze British military actions, like the Boston Massacre and the deployment of troops.
ii. Discuss how these measures escalated tensions and contributed to the desire for independence.
iii. Consider counterarguments or limitations to the importance of military measures.

f. Conclude with a paragraph evaluating the importance of the legacy of colonial religious and political ideas.
i. Discuss the influence of religious freedom and ideas of self-governance on the rebellion.
ii. Analyze the role of influential thinkers such as Thomas Paine and John Locke.
iii. Consider other factors that may have influenced the rebellion alongside religious and political ideas.

3. Conclusion:
a. Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
b. Reiterate your thesis and your position on the accuracy of the descriptions.
c. Provide a final thought on the overall significance of the factors discussed in prompting Americans to rebel in 1776.

Remember to support each argument with evidence from your research, cite your sources appropriately, and use clear and logical transitions between paragraphs.