within an organization the first step in human resources planning is

Make sure you have the facts.

Start at the beginning. What needs to be done?

The first step in human resources planning within an organization is typically conducting a thorough analysis of the organization's current and future human resource needs. This step is also known as the demand/supply analysis. It involves evaluating the organization's goals, objectives, and strategies, and then identifying the workforce requirements necessary to achieve them.

To carry out this analysis, you can follow these steps:

1. Organizational Assessment: Start by assessing the current state of the organization. Consider factors such as its size, structure, and culture. Identify the overall business goals, the strategic direction, and any potential future changes.

2. Job Analysis: Analyze each job within the organization. Identify the key tasks, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications required for each position. This will help determine the types of employees needed to fulfill those roles.

3. Workforce Forecasting: Use historical data, industry trends, and business projections to forecast the organization's future workforce requirements. Consider factors such as employee turnover, retirements, growth or contraction plans, technological advancements, and changes in the industry.

4. Gap Analysis: Compare the projected future workforce requirements with the current workforce. Identify any gaps or surpluses in terms of quantity and quality of employees. Determine where you may need to hire new employees, train current employees, or restructure certain positions.

5. Action Plan: Finally, develop an action plan to address the identified gaps and fulfill the organization's future human resource needs. This plan may include recruitment strategies, training and development programs, succession planning, and any necessary changes to the organization's structure or policies.

By systematically going through these steps, organizations can effectively plan and align their human resources with their business goals, ensuring that they have the right people in the right positions to drive success.