"Real-life contact between members of different social groups is always structurally mediated and embedded in particular historical and geographical contexts of power relations between and within social groups."

Can some explain this quote to me?


Yikes! Where did you get such gobbledy-gook?

Contact between members of different social groups is based on historical and geographic perceptions of relative power. When people of different social groups meet, they are aware of differences in social power.

Yes, it is gobbled-gook! I THINK I understand it, but I'm not sure. Maybe some of the essays at the above web-site might elucidate.

Certainly! This quote is suggesting that in real-life situations, interactions between individuals from different social groups are always influenced by specific structures, historical circumstances, and geographical settings that shape power dynamics within and between these groups. Let's break it down further:

1. "Real-life contact between members of different social groups": This refers to actual interactions between individuals who belong to different social groups. These groups could be based on factors such as race, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, or any other characteristic that distinguishes one group from another.

2. "Structurally mediated": This means that the nature of these interactions is shaped and influenced by various factors and systems within society. These structures could include laws, policies, institutional norms, or cultural practices that determine how different groups interact with each other.

3. "Embedded in particular historical and geographical contexts": Interactions between individuals from different social groups are influenced by the specific historical and geographical circumstances in which these interactions take place. Historical factors such as past inequalities, conflicts, or cultural traditions, as well as geographical factors like location, demographics, or urban-rural divide, contribute to the context in which these interactions occur.

4. "Power relations between and within social groups": This refers to the dynamics of power that exist both between different social groups and within each group. Power can manifest in various ways, such as unequal access to resources, privilege, authority, or the ability to influence decisions. These power dynamics play a significant role in shaping the nature and outcomes of interactions between individuals from different social groups.

In summary, this quote highlights that interactions between individuals from different social groups are not isolated incidents, but rather the product of complex social, historical, and geographical factors that influence and shape power dynamics within and between these groups.