Which of the following examples best demonstrates to most people that ethical progress has taken place over the past 200 years?

Which examples?

What is your answer?

Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race

Laws that have increased speed limits
Laws that prevented women from voting
Laws that prevented people from getting married
Laws that focus on protecting the ethnic majority

What is your answer?

To determine which example best demonstrates ethical progress over the past 200 years, one would need to evaluate a range of factors and perspectives. Here's a step-by-step approach to finding the answer:

1. Understand the concept of ethical progress: Ethical progress refers to the improvement or advancement of moral and ethical standards in society over time. It involves evaluating changes in how people treat each other, their rights and freedoms, social justice, environmental sustainability, and more.

2. Analyze different examples: Consider various examples from the past 200 years that could illustrate ethical progress. Look for instances where society has made significant improvements in terms of human rights, equality, justice, environmental protection, or any other areas that represent moral advancement.

3. Collect relevant information: Conduct research to gather information about historical events, social movements, legislative changes, scientific advancements, and cultural shifts that have occurred over the past two centuries. Look for evidence that indicates improvements in ethical values and practices.

4. Evaluate impact and consensus: Assess the impact and consensus on each example within society. Determine whether the example had a significant positive impact on a large number of people, received recognition or acceptance by experts, scholars, or activists, and if it has become widely adopted or has influenced policy changes.

5. Consider diverse perspectives: Ethical progress may be subjective, and people may have different opinions on what constitutes real progress. Take into account diverse perspectives, cultural variations, and differing historical experiences to avoid biases and ensure a more comprehensive assessment.

6. Weigh the examples against each other: Compare the different examples, considering the evidence you have gathered and the criteria for ethical progress. Identify which example appears to have made the most significant positive impact on society, having widespread recognition and acceptance.

By following these steps, you will be able to critically analyze and determine which example best demonstrates ethical progress over the past 200 years based on the available information, societal impact, and consensus.