A roll of paper towels is 10 inches high and 2.5 inches in diameter. How many full squares inches of paper towel can fit on the roll in 15 rotation?

* all I need is a formula of this question.
Do I use lateral surface area formula or total surface area formula

C = πd = 3.14 * 2.5 = ?

Area of towel = ? * 10 * 15

Of course, this will be a little off, since the circumference will increase as the layers accumulate.

To determine the number of square inches of paper towel that can fit on the roll, you need to calculate the lateral surface area of the roll. The lateral surface area is the total area of all the sides of the cylinder, excluding the top and bottom circles.

The formula to calculate the lateral surface area of a cylinder is: LSA = 2πrh, where "r" is the radius of the circle (half the diameter) and "h" is the height of the cylinder.

In this case, the diameter of the roll is 2.5 inches, so the radius (r) is 2.5/2 = 1.25 inches. The height (h) is given as 10 inches.

The lateral surface area (LSA) is then calculated as: LSA = 2π(1.25)(10) = 25π square inches.

Since each rotation of the roll covers an area equal to the lateral surface area, to find the total square inches of paper towel that can fit on the roll in 15 rotations, you need to multiply the lateral surface area by the number of rotations:

Total square inches = 15 x 25π = 375π square inches.

Therefore, in 15 rotations, you can fit 375π square inches of paper towel on the roll.