Does anyone know of some good ways to study vocabulary?

Personally, I have always found homemade flash cards very cheap, quick, and effiective. Word on one side, definition on another.

In addition to Bobpursley's suggestion, I suggest you add a sentence using the word.

One of favorite professor's suggestions was to somehow find a way to meaningfully and personally connect a new word to yourself. Invest in a good dictionary and thesaurus. Learn how to use context clues to figure out unfamiliar terms before resorting to a dictionary, however. Explore etymology (word origins and roots). Read a lot of diverse material so that you encounter new vocabulary.

Kind of like Brandon's answer. Find something that it sounds like. Like efficacy means the power to produce a desired effect and it's kind of like efficiency which is the amount of power used to produce efficacy. Or grievous means sorrowful and i thought of general greevous from star wars... he was very sorrowful... and so on and so on. Pretty much every word has latin roots which are used through many words so if you find a word you know that has the same root it could help, like omniscient and science. Science means knowledge and omniscient means all knowing and the both have the root scient which means knowledge.

Yes, there are various effective ways to study vocabulary. Here are a few methods you can try:

1. Flashcards: Create your own flashcards by writing a word on one side and its definition on the other. Review them regularly and test yourself.

2. Word associations: Connect new words with words you already know. For example, if you come across the word "perceptive," you could associate it with "perspective" to help remember its meaning.

3. Contextual reading: Read extensively in your target language to encounter new words in context. This helps you understand how words are used and reinforces their meanings.

4. Vocabulary apps: Utilize vocabulary-building apps like Quizlet, Memrise, or Duolingo. These platforms provide interactive exercises, quizzes, and games to facilitate learning and memorization.

5. Mnemonic techniques: Create memorable associations or visualizations to help recall the meaning of words. For example, picture an image or a story that connects to the word.

6. Writing practice: Use new vocabulary words in sentences to reinforce their usage. You can also maintain a vocabulary journal to keep track of words you've learned.

7. Language exchange: Engage in conversations with native speakers or language learners to actively use and practice new vocabulary in real-life contexts.

8. Word lists and word-of-the-day resources: Regularly expose yourself to word lists or subscribe to online resources that provide daily words to expand your vocabulary gradually.

Remember, consistency is key. Allocate regular study time, personalize your approach, and adapt your methods to suit your learning style.