You roll a number cube and get a one 7 times, a two 8 times, a three 5 times, a four 9 times, a five 8 times, and a six 5 times. What is the experimental probability of rolling an odd number?


The sum of a number

cubed and
twice the same number

To find the experimental probability of rolling an odd number, you need to determine the number of times an odd number appears and divide it by the total number of rolls.

First, sum up the results for odd numbers:
1 (occurs 7 times) + 3 (occurs 5 times) + 5 (occurs 8 times) = 20

Next, sum up the results for all numbers rolled:
7 (1s) + 8 (2s) + 5 (3s) + 9 (4s) + 8 (5s) + 5 (6s) = 42

Finally, divide the number of occurrences of odd numbers by the total number of rolls:
20 (occurrences of odd numbers) / 42 (total rolls) ≈ 0.4762

Therefore, the experimental probability of rolling an odd number is approximately 0.4762 or 47.62%.