Who were the Bourbon Democrats main opposition?

a Republicans
b other democrats********
c independents
d African American voters

Thanks for your help

Well, there were factions within the Democratic Party, but the Bourbon Democrats were in the mainstream for much of the era from the 1870s to 1904. I would say their main opponents were the Republicans. But I do not know what your course wants you to answer.


Thank you

The main opposition to the Bourbon Democrats were other Democrats.

The main opposition for the Bourbon Democrats were other Democrats (option b).

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the Bourbon Democrats and the political landscape during their time. The Bourbon Democrats were a conservative faction within the Democratic Party that emerged in the late 19th century in the southern United States. They were primarily made up of wealthy, white, and conservative Democrats who sought to maintain white supremacy and protect the interests of the planter class.

During this period, the two major political parties in the United States were the Republicans and the Democrats. The Republicans were generally associated with more progressive policies, such as civil rights for African Americans and economic reforms, while the Democrats were divided between various factions with differing ideologies.

While the Bourbon Democrats faced opposition from multiple groups, including Republicans, independents, and African American voters, the primary opposition within the Democratic Party itself came from other Democrats who held different political views. These opposing factions within the Democratic Party often clashed over issues like civil rights, economic policies, and political reform.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b: other Democrats.