Mrs monk rented a truck for 3 days. Enterprise charged her $40. per day plus $.25 per miles. The total charge was $142.75. How many miles did she drive the truck?

(1) 411 miles
(2) 91 miles
(3) 251 miles
(4) 571 miles

40 + 0.25m = 142.75

Solve for m.

To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation based on the given information. Let's break it down step by step:

First, we know that Enterprise charged Mrs. Monk $40 per day for renting the truck. Since she rented it for 3 days, the cost of renting the truck alone would be 3 * $40 = $120.

Next, we know that Enterprise charged her an additional $0.25 per mile. Let's say she drove x miles. So, the cost for miles would be $0.25 * x = $0.25x.

Adding the cost of renting the truck to the cost for miles, we can set up the equation:

$120 + $0.25x = $142.75

To solve for x, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. We can start by subtracting $120 from both sides:

$0.25x = $142.75 - $120
$0.25x = $22.75

To get rid of the decimal point, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 100:

100 * $0.25x = 100 * $22.75
25x = 2275

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 25:

25x / 25 = 2275 / 25
x = 91

Therefore, Mrs. Monk drove 91 miles with the rented truck. So, the correct answer is (2) 91 miles.