you have 15 yards of ribbon for your gift boxes. each box gets the same amount of ribbon how much ribbon will each of your 20 gift boxes get?

If 20 boxes get 15 yards of ribbon, then

1 box gets 15/20 yds of ribbon

reduce that fraction

lol thanks

To determine how much ribbon each gift box will receive, divide the total amount of ribbon (15 yards) by the number of gift boxes (20).

15 yards / 20 boxes = 0.75 yards

Therefore, each of your 20 gift boxes will receive 0.75 yards of ribbon.

To find out how much ribbon each of your 20 gift boxes will get, you need to divide the total amount of ribbon (15 yards) by the number of gift boxes (20).

The calculation can be done as follows:

15 yards รท 20 gift boxes = 0.75 yards per gift box.

Therefore, each of your 20 gift boxes will get 0.75 yards of ribbon.