Please check

6 more than a number n

A number m multiplied by 7

9 less than a number w

The sum of a number a and 9

A number k minus 7

5 times a number h,plus 12
5*h + 12

5 increased by a number g

n + 6

w - 9
9 + a -- correct
k - 7 -- correct
5h + 12
5 + g -- correct

To answer these questions, we need to manipulate the given numbers or variables according to the given instructions. Let's go through each question step by step:

1. 6 more than a number n:
To find 6 more than a number n, you simply add 6 to the number n. So the answer is: n + 6.

2. A number m multiplied by 7:
To find a number m multiplied by 7, you multiply the number m by 7. So the answer is: 7m.

3. 9 less than a number w:
To find 9 less than a number w, you subtract 9 from the number w. So the answer is: w - 9.

4. The sum of a number a and 9:
To find the sum of a number a and 9, you simply add 9 to the number a. So the answer is: a + 9.

5. A number k minus 7:
To find a number k minus 7, you subtract 7 from the number k. So the answer is: k - 7.

6. 5 times a number h, plus 12:
To find 5 times a number h, you multiply the number h by 5. Then you add 12 to the result. So the answer is: 5h + 12.

7. 5 increased by a number g:
To find 5 increased by a number g, you simply add the number g to 5. So the answer is: 5 + g.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.