840 stickers were given to 42 children. ⅔ of the children were boys, and each of them received the same number of stickers. Each girl received twice as many stickers as each boy. How many stickers did each girl receive? Explain how you got your answer.

28 were boys, and each got x stickers.

28x + 14*2x = 840
x = 15

so, each girl got 30

To find out how many stickers each girl received, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the number of boys and girls.
We know that 2/3 of the children were boys. To find out how many boys there were, we need to multiply the total number of children by the fraction representing the boys. Since 2/3 of 42 is (2/3) * 42 = 28, there were 28 boys. To find the number of girls, we subtract the number of boys from the total number of children: 42 - 28 = 14 girls.

Step 2: Calculate the number of stickers each boy received.
Since each boy received the same number of stickers, we need to divide the total number of stickers by the number of boys. So, 840 stickers divided by 28 boys gives us 30 stickers per boy.

Step 3: Calculate the number of stickers each girl received.
Each girl received twice as many stickers as each boy. Therefore, we need to multiply the number of stickers per boy by 2. So, 30 stickers per boy multiplied by 2 equals 60 stickers per girl.

Therefore, each girl received 60 stickers.