What acts brought the United States into World War 1?


Read the section on causes.


The United States entered World War I primarily due to a combination of factors, including acts carried out by other countries and internal developments. Some key events and actions that influenced America's decision to join the war include:

1. German Submarine Warfare: Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare, particularly against neutral countries, greatly angered the United States. This included the sinking of the British ocean liner RMS Lusitania in 1915, which resulted in the deaths of 128 American passengers.

2. Zimmerman Telegram: In 1917, the German Foreign Secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, sent a secret telegram to Mexico proposing an alliance against the United States. This intercepted message, known as the Zimmerman Telegram, was a significant contributing factor in swaying American public opinion towards entering the war.

3. Russian Revolution: In 1917, a revolution took place in Russia, resulting in the overthrow of the Tsarist regime and the rise of Bolshevik power under Vladimir Lenin. The United States became concerned about the spread of communism and saw their entry into the war as a means to prevent the Bolshevik government from gaining influence.

4. Economic Interests: The United States had significant economic ties with the Allied powers (such as Britain and France) and had been supplying them with weapons and other resources. As the war progressed, the American government began prioritizing its economic interests and realized that entering the war could protect those interests.

These are just some of the factors that led to the United States joining World War I. To explore more about this topic, I recommend reading the Causes section of the World War I Wikipedia page, which provides a more comprehensive overview.