The ratio of oil to vinegar in a certain salad dressing is 8:5. How much oil must be blended with 7 liters of vinegar for that recipe?

8/5 = x/7

Solve this proportion the same way I showed you under your Amy alias.


To find out how much oil needs to be blended with 7 liters of vinegar, we can use the ratio of oil to vinegar.

The ratio of oil to vinegar in the salad dressing is 8:5.

This means that for every 8 parts of oil, there are 5 parts of vinegar.

To determine how much oil is needed, we need to find the equivalent ratio for 7 liters of vinegar.

The ratio of vinegar is 5 parts out of 13 parts (8 + 5) because 5/(5+8) = 5/13.

Since we know that there are 7 liters of vinegar, we can set up the following proportion:

Vinegar/Oil = 7/x

Cross multiply:

5x = 7 * 13

5x = 91

Divide both sides by 5:

x = 91/5

x ≈ 18.2

Therefore, approximately 18.2 liters of oil must be blended with 7 liters of vinegar for that recipe.

To find out how much oil must be blended with 7 liters of vinegar to maintain the ratio of 8:5, we need to set up a proportion.

Ratio of oil to vinegar = 8:5

We can set up the proportion as follows:

oil/vinegar = 8/5

We know the amount of vinegar is 7 liters, so we can substitute:

oil/7 = 8/5

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

5 * oil = 8 * 7

5 * oil = 56

To isolate the oil, divide both sides of the equation by 5:

oil = 56/5

Therefore, to maintain the ratio of 8:5, we need to blend approximately 11.2 liters of oil with 7 liters of vinegar for that recipe.