Which of the following affects the speed of sound?

A. The amplitude of the wave.
B. The frequency of the wave.
C. The phase of the medium.
D. The wavelength.
Is the answer D?
Thank you

The Correct answer is C. The phase of the medium I know this is correct cause got this right on a quiz.

( my username)

Think about this.

c = frequency x wavelength so changing freq or wavelength has no effect on c.
Read here.

Stingray2020 is correct

(my username also)

To determine which of the options affects the speed of sound, we need to understand the factors that actually do have an impact.

The speed of sound is affected by the properties of the medium through which it travels. In general, the speed of sound increases with the stiffness or elasticity of the medium, and it decreases with the density of the medium.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

A. The amplitude of the wave: The amplitude of a sound wave is the maximum displacement of the particles of the medium from their resting position. However, the speed of sound is not directly influenced by the amplitude of the wave. So, option A is not the correct answer.

B. The frequency of the wave: The frequency of a sound wave refers to the number of complete cycles of compression and rarefaction that a wave completes per second. However, the frequency does not affect the speed of sound. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer.

C. The phase of the medium: The phase of the medium does not have a direct impact on the speed of sound. Hence, option C is not the correct answer.

D. The wavelength: The wavelength of a sound wave is the distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions. The speed of sound is indirectly related to the wavelength. The speed of sound can be calculated using the equation: speed = frequency × wavelength. Therefore, option D is the correct answer because the wavelength affects the speed of sound.

In conclusion, the correct answer is D. The wavelength affects the speed of sound.