I am having trouble understanding these questions can any one please help?

11. What resources led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England? (5 points)

12. During the early 1800s, the United States tried to make peace with other countries in order to grow and develop. Give an example of one of these peace efforts and briefly explain what it hoped to accomplish. (5 points)

13. How did sectionalism emerge in the 1820s? Compare the priorities of the regions. (5 points) (5 points)

You must be having an identity crisis. You've used three different names in the last hour.

11. In this question, resources means natural resources.

12. Look at the history of U.S. foreign relations.

13. What is sectionalism? What were the different U.S. sections? What were the differences between them?

I won't explain all of these things. You can look them up or read your text. I'll offer some hints. England was a colonial power operating under the Merchantile system, and the Industrial Revolution was well underway.

Look up the Adams-Onis Treaty for question 12. Look up the Compromise of 1820 for question 13.

Again, DO YOUR WORK! How do you hope to learn anything if someone gives you the answers to your quizzes and you have no clue what they mean?

I don't understand, this is the first time posting on this site. but thanks for the help I guess. :/




And remember natural resources for industrialization largely came to Britain from it's colonies. Without the Empire, the Industrial Revolution in England would have been much slower.

NEW England! Okay:


Of course, I can help you with these questions! Let's go through each question and break it down to find the answers.

11. What resources led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England?

To answer this question, you need to identify the resources that played a significant role in the Industrial Revolution in New England. To find the answer, you can follow the steps below:

1. Start by researching the Industrial Revolution and its characteristics. Understand the key factors that contributed to the industrialization of a region.
2. Look specifically into the New England region during the time period when the Industrial Revolution occurred (usually the late 18th and early 19th centuries).
3. Identify the natural resources available in New England that were crucial for industrialization. Some resources commonly associated with the Industrial Revolution include water power, coal, iron ore, and cotton.
4. Research how these resources were utilized in New England's industries during that time. Look for information on the development of textile mills, manufacturing processes, and the growth of industrial cities in the region.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the specific resources that led to the appearance of the Industrial Revolution in New England.

12. During the early 1800s, the United States tried to make peace with other countries in order to grow and develop. Give an example of one of these peace efforts and briefly explain what it hoped to accomplish.

To find an example of a peace effort made by the United States during the early 1800s, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the major events and diplomatic relations of the United States during the early 1800s. Look for any instances where the U.S. engaged in diplomacy and peace negotiations.
2. Identify a specific peace effort that was made by the United States during this time. It could involve a particular country or conflict.
3. Once you have found an example, look for information on the goals or objectives the United States hoped to achieve through this peace effort. This could include factors such as territorial disputes, trade relations, or avoiding further conflict.

By conducting this research, you should be able to find an example of a specific peace effort made by the United States during the early 1800s and understand its intended accomplishments.

13. How did sectionalism emerge in the 1820s? Compare the priorities of the regions.

To answer this question and compare the priorities of the regions, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept of sectionalism and its significance in American history. Sectionalism refers to the divergent interests and perspectives of different regions within a country.
2. Research the historical context of the United States in the 1820s. Look for events, issues, and debates that were happening during that time which contributed to the emergence of sectionalism.
3. Identify the different regions of the United States in the 1820s and their priorities. This could include factors such as economic interests, social beliefs, political ideologies, or differences in opinion on key issues such as slavery or territorial expansion.
4. Compare the priorities of the regions by analyzing primary and secondary sources. Look for speeches, writings, and debates from that time to understand the differing perspectives and interests of each region.

By following these steps, you should be able to explain how sectionalism emerged in the 1820s and compare the priorities of the regions during that period.