Please I need help on 2nd set of questions.

Thank you in advance!

8 Which behavior is an example of a delinquent behavior according to Georgia’s juvenile justice system

A.Stealing from a store*****
B.Refusing to go to school
C.Disobeying ones parents
D.Running away from home

9 Which court has jurisdiction over cases involving minors

A.State court
B.Juvenile court*****
C.Superior court
D.Magistrate court

10 Which is not a right of a juvenile involved with the juvenile justice system

A.Right to a jury trial
B.Right to remain silent
C.Right to have a lawyer
D.Right to cross examine witnesses*****

11 After being taken into custody the first step in the juvenile justice process is

D.Formal hearing******

12 Which behavior can result in a juvenile being tried as an adult in court


13 The authorization to create counties for the purpose of carrying out state laws and programs originally came from the

A.Supreme court
B.Georgia general assembly******
C.Declaration of independence
D.Georgia constitution of 1777

14 The primary role of counties in the state of Georgia is to

A.Train the national guard
B.Assist with tax collection
C.Help carry out state programs********
D.Make law enforcement easier

Thank you!

I think all of your answers are correct -- but I'm not sure about 11.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

8. To identify delinquent behavior according to Georgia's juvenile justice system, you would need to consult the official regulations and statutes of the state's juvenile justice system. These sources would provide a detailed list of behaviors that are considered delinquent. However, from the given options, the answer appears to be A. Stealing from a store.

9. To determine which court has jurisdiction over cases involving minors, you can refer to Georgia's legal system and understand the different courts' responsibilities. Specifically, for cases involving minors, the appropriate court would be the one specifically designated to handle juvenile cases. From the given options, the correct answer is B. Juvenile court.

10. Understanding the rights of a juvenile involved with the juvenile justice system requires referring to the laws and regulations surrounding the treatment of minors in Georgia. These legal provisions would outline the rights afforded to juveniles during legal proceedings. From the given options, the right that is not typically granted to a juvenile involved with the juvenile justice system is D. Right to cross examine witnesses.

11. After being taken into custody, the first step in the juvenile justice process in Georgia can be found by understanding the sequence of actions that occur within the system. Typically, after a juvenile is taken into custody, the initial step would involve assessing the case to determine the appropriate course of action. This step is generally referred to as intake. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Intake.

12. To identify the behaviors that can result in a juvenile being tried as an adult in court, you would need to refer to the legal criteria established in Georgia's laws. These criteria, usually outlined in the state's statutes, would dictate under which circumstances a juvenile can be tried as an adult. From the given options, the behavior that can result in a juvenile being tried as an adult is B. Murder.

13. The historical origin of the authorization to create counties in Georgia for the purpose of carrying out state laws and programs can be found by studying the state's history and legal documents. In particular, the source that granted the power to create counties can usually be traced back to a specific governing body or legal document. The correct answer in this case is B. Georgia General Assembly.

14. To understand the primary role of counties in the state of Georgia, one would need to examine the state's legislative framework and official responsibilities assigned to counties. The exact role of counties can vary, but typically they are responsible for carrying out state programs, providing local services, and assisting with government administration. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Help carry out state programs.