Henry is attending a rodeo in Union County. The nearest airport is in Vindale, which is 33 miles away. On a map, the rodeo grounds and the airport are separated by 3 inches. What scale does the map use?

1 inch = 11 miles

33/3=11 so 1 inch=11 miles.

To determine the scale that the map uses, we need to find the ratio between the actual distance and the distance shown on the map.

- Actual distance between the rodeo grounds and the airport: 33 miles
- Distance between the rodeo grounds and the airport shown on the map: 3 inches

To find the scale of the map, we can use the following formula:

Scale = Actual distance / Map distance

In this case, we have the actual distance in miles and the distance on the map in inches. Since we want the scale in miles per inch, we need to convert the actual distance to inches as well.

1 mile = 63,360 inches (approximately)

Converting the actual distance to inches, we have:

33 miles * 63,360 inches/mile = 2,091,360 inches

Now we can calculate the scale:

Scale = 2,091,360 inches / 3 inches

Dividing the two numbers, we find that the scale of the map is approximately:


Therefore, the scale of the map is approximately 697,120 to 1, which means that each inch on the map represents 697,120 inches in reality.