There are seven red peppermints in a packet of 22 peppermints.what percentage of the peppermints are red?

what is 7/22


To find the percentage of red peppermints, we need to divide the number of red peppermints by the total number of peppermints in the packet and then multiply by 100.

Number of red peppermints = 7
Total number of peppermints = 22

Percentage of red peppermints = (Number of red peppermints / Total number of peppermints) * 100

Let's plug in the values:

Percentage of red peppermints = (7 / 22) * 100
Percentage of red peppermints = 0.3182 * 100
Percentage of red peppermints ≈ 31.82%

So, approximately 31.82% of the peppermints in the packet are red.