square root of 3 plus the cube root of 15

sqrt3 + sqrt15

sqrt3 + sqrt3*5
sqrt3 + sqrt3 *sqrt5

but it's square root of 3 plus CUBE root of 15..

i don't think you can add a square root and a cube root together..

explain please?

sorry, you are correct, I erred in reading it.

I don't see a common factor.

To find the value of the expression, we need to calculate the square root of 3 and the cube root of 15 separately and then add their results.

Step 1: Calculate the square root of 3.
The square root of a number can be calculated using a calculator or by using the exponentiation rule. In this case, using a calculator would be simpler.
The square root of 3 is approximately 1.732.

Step 2: Calculate the cube root of 15.
Similar to the square root, the cube root of a number can be calculated using a calculator or by using the exponentiation rule. Again, using a calculator would be simpler.
The cube root of 15 is approximately 2.4663.

Step 3: Add the results.
Adding the square root of 3 (1.732) and the cube root of 15 (2.4663) gives us:
1.732 + 2.4663 = 4.1983 (rounded to four decimal places).

Therefore, the value of the expression "square root of 3 plus the cube root of 15" is approximately 4.1983.