by means of a practical example. describe the conflict that exist between the should and want as a source conflict

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To what extent can intrapersonal conflict affect the choice of a career

Sure! Let's consider the conflict that often arises between a student's need to study for an exam (should) and their desire to go out with friends (want).

In this example, the should represents the responsible and sensible action of studying for the exam, which is important for the student's academic success. The want, on the other hand, represents the immediate desire to spend time with friends and have fun.

1. Identify the Conflict:

The conflict arises when the student realizes that they have limited time available and have to choose between studying and going out with friends. They are torn between doing what they should do (study) and what they want to do (go out).

2. Clarify the Importance:

To resolve this conflict, it is important for the student to evaluate the consequences of each choice. They should consider the potential outcome of not studying, such as performing poorly in the exam and negatively impacting their grades. On the other hand, they should also consider the social benefits and enjoyment of going out with friends.

3. Identify Priorities:

The student needs to prioritize their responsibilities and goals. They might prioritize their academic success and decide that studying for the exam is more important in the long run. Alternatively, if they believe that building social connections and maintaining a balanced lifestyle is equally important, they may choose to compromise their study time and go out with friends, albeit not for an excessive amount of time.

4. Evaluate Trade-offs:

The student should evaluate potential trade-offs. For instance, if they choose to go out with friends, they might have to sacrifice study time and make up for it by studying more intensively later or seeking help from classmates or teachers. On the other hand, if they choose to study, they might miss out on socializing and the opportunity to relax and unwind.

5. Make a Decision:

Based on their evaluation, the student must make a decision that aligns with their long-term goals and values. They should consider the reasons behind their choice and be prepared to accept the consequences of their decision.

By going through these steps, the student can effectively address the conflict between the should (studying) and want (going out with friends), finding a resolution that considers their priorities and values.