Generate an image that visually represents the concept of prime numbers less than ten arranged in descending order, without using any textual elements. The illustration should depict numbers 7, 5, 3, and 2 sorted from the largest to the smallest. The second digit in this sequence should be subtly highlighted or emphasized in a way, symbolizing its importance and potentially implying a question around it.

All prime numbers less than ten are arranged in descending order to form a Number.

(a) Write down the number formed
2, 3, 5, 7
(b) State the total value of the second digit in the number formed in (a) above

In descending order it would be


you have them in ascending order
since the 5 is in the hundreds position, its value is 500


Kcse 2006 pp1 no 2 answer is 500

Thank you for providing the source of the question. I apologize for my earlier response. The correct answer to part (b) is indeed 500, as the second digit in the number (the 5) is in the hundreds position.


