Which expression is the factored equivalent of 3x^2-4x+1?

A. (3x-1)(x-1)
B. (3x-1)(x+1)
C. (3x+1)(x-1)
D. (3x+1)(x+1)

When I factor it, I keep getting D. But I know the answer is A. So this must be a common mistake students make. What am I doing wrong?
Here is my work.

Oh wait, never mind. I know exactly what I did wrong.

On the second line where you put 3x^2+3x+1x+1 it should really be 3x^2-3x-1x+1

You just lost track of your negative

You made a common mistake in your factoring process. Let's go through it step by step to help identify the error.

Starting with the expression: 3x^2 - 4x + 1.

1. First, determine the factors of the first term, 3x^2. The factors are 3x and x.
Rewriting the expression using these factors: (3x ) (x ).

2. Next, try to find two numbers that multiply to give the constant term, 1, and add up to the coefficient of the middle term, -4x.
In this case, the numbers that work are 1 and 1 (1 * 1 = 1 and 1 + 1 = 2).
Rewriting the expression using these numbers: (3x - 1) (x + 1).

So, the correct factored equivalent expression is (3x - 1) (x + 1), not (3x + 1) (x + 1).

Therefore, the correct answer is A. (3x - 1) (x - 1).

To factor the expression 3x^2-4x+1 correctly, let's follow the steps:

Step 1: Multiply the coefficient of the quadratic term (3) by the constant term (1) to get 3 * 1 = 3.

Step 2: Find two numbers that multiply to give 3 and add to give the coefficient of the linear term (-4). In this case, the numbers are -1 and -3 because (-1) * (-3) = 3 and (-1) + (-3) = -4.

Step 3: Rewrite the middle term -4x using the two numbers found in step 2.

3x^2 - x - 3x + 1

Step 4: Group the terms and factor by grouping.

(3x^2 - x) + (-3x + 1)

Step 5: Take out the greatest common factor from each group.

x(3x - 1) - 1(3x - 1)

Step 6: Notice that (3x - 1) appears in both terms. Factor it out.

(3x - 1)(x - 1)

Therefore, the factored equivalent of 3x^2-4x+1 is (3x - 1)(x - 1), which corresponds to option A. It is essential to be careful and accurate while grouping and factoring to avoid common mistakes.