creating a slide that will have a large and a number of bullet points below it. what slide format should she use? A.)comparison B.)title and content C.)title only D.)two content

To determine which slide format to use when creating a slide with a large heading and a number of bullet points below it, you should consider the content and purpose of the slide.

A) Comparison format: This format is best suited for comparing two or more items side by side. If your slide doesn't involve any comparisons between items, this format may not be the most appropriate choice.

B) Title and Content format: This format is commonly used when you have a main heading or title for your slide, followed by supporting points or bullet points. It allows you to have a visually prominent heading with additional information presented below it in a structured manner. This format is often the most suitable for slides with a large heading and multiple bullet points.

C) Title Only format: This format is appropriate when you only need to display a main heading or a title without any supporting points or content below it. If you require bullet points or additional information, this format should not be used.

D) Two Content format: This format is specifically designed for presenting two sets of related information side by side. If you only have a large heading and bullet points, and not multiple sets of content to compare, this format may not be the best option.

Based on the description provided, the most suitable slide format would be B) Title and Content, which allows you to have a large heading followed by multiple bullet points below it.