First describe how colonization and globalization have affected sociopolitical systems, and then discuss how political systems change. Give examples for each objective

What can we do to help with this? Do you need references to source material?

By helping me, to give examples for each objective. Yes I will appreciate references to source material

Casey, let me give it some thought. It's late now, so let me come back tomorrow. Perhaps other "tutors" will have some direction for you, too.

I cannot post a link to this site, but you can look it up: [PDF]

Overview of Politics in the Post-Colonial Era - Saylor

Reed the website is asking for me get points to answer the question. I really do not have time for that. I try it and it denying me over and over again

Casey -- what have you found in your research? Which colonies are you focusing on? African? American? Asian? Caribbean? European?


Boundaries drawn in the Middle East by European colonizers have come back to plague the region. Sunnis and Shiites have tried unsuccessfully to occupy the same region.

Political systems change either under a strong dictatorship or an educated populace.

Thank you all, I have the answer. Happy Valentine Day Everyone

Colonization and globalization have had significant impacts on sociopolitical systems worldwide. Let's first discuss how colonization has affected these systems.

1. Colonization:
Colonization refers to the process in which one country establishes dominion over another territory, often imposing its own sociopolitical system. The effects of colonization on sociopolitical systems include:

- Imposition of Foreign Governance: Colonizers often introduced their own political systems, legal frameworks, and bureaucratic structures in the colonized territories. These systems were designed to serve the interests of the colonizers, often at the expense of the local populations.

- Disruption of Indigenous Sociopolitical Structures: Colonizers frequently disrupted or diminished existing sociopolitical systems in the territories they colonized. Traditional forms of governance, cultural practices, and social hierarchies were often undermined, leading to social upheaval and dislocation.

- Extractive Economies: Colonizers frequently exploited the resources of their colonies, often leaving the local populations impoverished. Economic systems were restructured to benefit the colonizers, resulting in the extraction of valuable resources without equitable distribution of wealth and benefits.

Example: The colonization of Africa by European powers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries profoundly impacted sociopolitical systems. European colonizers enforced arbitrary borders, disregarding pre-existing tribal and ethnic divisions, leading to conflicts that persist till today. The imposition of European political systems disrupted traditional forms of governance, leading to social and political instability in many African countries.

Now let's shift our focus to globalization and its impacts on sociopolitical systems.

2. Globalization:
Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and integration of economies, cultures, and societies worldwide. The effects of globalization on sociopolitical systems include:

- Expansion of Information and Communication Technologies: Globalization has led to the rapid exchange of information and ideas. This has enabled citizens to access and share information about sociopolitical issues, leading to greater political awareness and public participation in governance.

- Creation of Transnational Institutions: Globalization has given rise to transnational institutions like the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and International Monetary Fund. These institutions can influence domestic politics and policies, shaping sociopolitical systems at the global and local levels.

- Shifts in Power Dynamics: Globalization has reshaped power dynamics between nations. Economic interdependencies and the rise of emerging economies have challenged the dominance of traditional powers, leading to shifts in global political landscapes.

Example: The emergence of the European Union (EU) showcases how globalization can shape sociopolitical systems. The EU has created a supranational entity, facilitating the free movement of goods, services, and people among member states. This has necessitated political integration, as national governments have relinquished varying degrees of sovereignty to the EU, impacting their sociopolitical systems.

Political systems, on the other hand, undergo changes through various processes and actions. Here are some key factors that influence political system changes:

- Social Movements: Political systems can change through the mobilization and activism of social movements advocating for specific causes or reforms. These movements exert pressure on the existing political establishment, often leading to policy changes or shifts in power.

- Electoral Processes: Political systems are influenced by electoral processes, as they provide opportunities for citizens to elect representatives and leaders. Elections can lead to changes in governing parties, ideologies, and policymaking, thereby altering the political landscape.

- Constitutional Reforms: Political systems may witness changes through constitutional reforms. These reforms can redefine the distribution of power, establish new institutions, or introduce mechanisms for greater citizen participation and accountability.

Example: The Arab Spring, a series of protests and uprisings that occurred in several countries across the Middle East and North Africa in 2010-2012, exemplifies how political systems can change. Citizens demanded political and socioeconomic reforms, leading to the overthrow of governments, constitutional reforms, and the formation of new political structures in countries like Tunisia and Egypt.

In summary, colonization has historically impacted sociopolitical systems through the imposition of foreign governance, disruption of indigenous structures, and the establishment of extractive economies. Globalization, on the other hand, has influenced sociopolitical systems through enhanced communication technologies, the emergence of transnational institutions, and shifts in power dynamics. Political systems change through social movements, electoral processes, and constitutional reforms. The examples provided highlight specific instances of sociopolitical changes resulting from colonization, globalization, and political dynamics.