i don't know none of this . PLEASE HELP!!!

words: attest, attribute, discern, dispatch, enhance, enigma, exemplify, mobile, nocturnal, orient.

Sentence check 2 for chapter 8 on improving vocabulary skills fourth edition

The first thing I urge you to do is to write your sentences, leaving the appropriate blanks.

Then, look up each word in a dictionary to find definitions that will fit into the sentences.

You can use http://dictionary.reference.com/

Someone here will be glad to check your sentences.




Certainly! To check the usage of these words in Chapter 8 of the book "Improving Vocabulary Skills" (Fourth Edition), follow these steps:

1. Locate Chapter 8: Start by finding the book "Improving Vocabulary Skills" (Fourth Edition) and locate Chapter 8 in it. This may involve looking at the table of contents or flipping through the pages until you find the desired chapter.

2. Read through the sentences: Once you have found Chapter 8, read through the sentences within that chapter. Pay attention to any instances where the words "attest," "attribute," "discern," "dispatch," "enhance," "enigma," "exemplify," "mobile," "nocturnal," and "orient" are used. Take note of the context in which these words are used.

3. Understand the meaning: If you come across any unfamiliar words, use a dictionary or online resources to look up their definitions. This will help you understand the sentences in Chapter 8 more effectively.

By following these steps, you will be able to check how these words are used in Chapter 8 of the book and gain a better understanding of their meanings in the given context.