Below are 36 sorted ages of an acting award winner. Find P10 converting a percentile to a data value

17 21 22 22 22 23 24 30 31 33
37 38 38 42 43 44 45 47 47 50
51 53 54 54 54 54 55 60 64 65
67 69 71 71 72 76 78
I am not sure how this system works and I searched my textbook because we are doing a practice test and it said to look at your textbook method so I am not positive on anything? Please Help!! and Thank you Kindly.

Below are 36 sorted ages of an acting award winner. Find P90 converting a percentile to a data value.

16 20 27 25 25 27 31 37 39
42 43 44 45 48 50 21 52 59
62 62 64 65 66 66 68 68 70
73 74 74 74 78 79.



To find P10, you need to calculate the 10th percentile. This is the value below which 10% of the data falls.

First, you need to determine the index of the data value that corresponds to the 10th percentile. Since you have 36 data points, you can calculate the index using the formula:
index = (10/100) * (n + 1)
where n is the total number of data points.

In this case, n = 36, so the index would be:
index = (10/100) * (36 + 1) = 3.7

Next, you need to find the value associated with this index. Since the index is not a whole number, you will need to interpolate between the values to find the exact value.

To interpolate, you can take the integer part of the index (3) and the fractional part (0.7). The value at the 3rd index is the 4th value in the data set (since indexing starts from 0). The value at the 4th index is the 5th value.

So, the value associated with the 10th percentile lies between the 4th and 5th values in the list, which are both 22.

Therefore, the 10th percentile, P10, is 22.