Please check

X=2 2/7


-37 = 3x + 11 - 7x

-37 = -4x + 11
-37 -11 = -4x + 11 - 11
-48 = -4x
- 48/-4 = -4x/-4
12 = x

-37 = 3x + 11 -7x

-37 -4x +11
-37-11 = -4x
-48 = -4x
12 = x
-m/3 - 2 = 10
-m -6 = 30
-m = 36
m = -36

To check the solution, simply substitute the value of x back into the original equation:

For the first equation, -37 = 3x + 11 - 7x:
Replace x with 2 2/7:
-37 = 3(2 2/7) + 11 - 7(2 2/7)

To multiply a whole number by a fraction, convert the whole number to a fraction with a denominator of 1:
-37 = (3 * 2/1 + 3 * 2/7) + 11 - (7 * 2/1 + 7 * 2/7)

To add or subtract fractions, they must have the same denominator:
-37 = (6/1 + 6/7) + 11 - (14/1 + 2/7)

To add or subtract fractions, add or subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:
-37 = (6 + 6)/1 + 11 - (14 + 2)/7
-37 = 12/1 + 11 - 16/7

To add or subtract whole numbers with fractions, convert the whole number into a fraction with a denominator of 1 and perform the operation:
-37 = 12/1 + 11 - (16/7 * 7/7)
-37 = 12 + 11 - (112/49)

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:
-37 = 12 + 11 - 112/49

To add or subtract fractions, they must have the same denominator:
-37 = 588/49 + 539/49 - 112/49

To add or subtract fractions, add or subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:
-37 = (588 + 539 - 112)/49
-37 = 1015/49

So, -37 does not equal 1015/49, which means the solution x = 2 2/7 is not correct.

For the second equation, -m/3 - 2 = 10:
Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to eliminate the fraction:
3 * (-m/3 - 2) = 3 * 10

On the left side, distribute the 3 to both terms within parentheses:
-1m - 6 = 30

To isolate -1m, add 6 to both sides of the equation:
-1m - 6 + 6 = 30 + 6
-1m = 36

To solve for m, divide both sides by -1:
m = -36

So, the correct solution for the equation -m/3 - 2 = 10 is m = -36.