George wants to put carpeting in a rectangular living room and a square bedroom. The length and width of the lving room is 12 feet by 18 feet. One side of the square bedroom is 13 feet. It will cost $3.50 per square foot to carpet the rooms.

A)Write an expression that can be used to find the total amount George will pay for carpeting?
B)Evaluate the expression. How much will George pay for the carpeting?

12 * 18 = 216 sq. ft.

13 * 13 = 169 sq. ft.

3.5(216 + 169) = t

Just write it as a expression like 9 x 5 + 15 x 6 and then actually solve the problem. BOOM!😎😌

the answer is 1347.5

Umm this isn't an answer but how would I set this up as an expression

A) To find the total amount George will pay for carpeting, we need to calculate the area of the living room and the bedroom separately, and then multiply each by the cost per square foot.

The formula to find the area of a rectangle is length * width, and for a square, it is side * side.

Let's denote the cost per square foot as $3.50.

For the living room:
Area of living room = length of living room * width of living room = 12 ft * 18 ft = 216 sq ft

For the bedroom:
Area of bedroom = side of bedroom * side of bedroom = 13 ft * 13 ft = 169 sq ft

Thus, the expression to find the total amount paid for carpeting would be:
Total cost = (Area of living room * cost per square foot) + (Area of bedroom * cost per square foot)

B) To evaluate the expression and determine how much George will pay for the carpeting, we simply substitute the values we obtained:

Area of living room = 216 sq ft
Area of bedroom = 169 sq ft
Cost per square foot = $3.50

Total cost = (216 * $3.50) + (169 * $3.50) = $756 + $591.50 = $1347.50

Therefore, George will pay $1347.50 for the carpeting.


To be honest, this didn't really help me at all cause of the fact that theres no answer. WELP IMMA GET A BAD GRADE ON MY MATH.