hey you guys I post a question like five hours ago and I would like to know if there is at least a website in were I could get help or something

Post your question again. That way it'll get to the top of the list. That's what I always do.

Your original post listed several items. You didn't tell us what you already have and what you know about these chemicals.

We don't do your homework, but we're here to assist you in finding your own answers.

Please check your book and notes for information about the items you're supposed to bring to school tomorrow.

the only one i have is the 2propanol wich is rubbing alcohol but the others i have gone to several websites to investigate but they come with other complicated names that I don't understand, is like endless search that is why i thought yuou might give some clues about the substances I'm not asking you to do my homework but to help me and I checked the book already.

I apologize if my previous response was not clear. I understand that you are looking for assistance in understanding the other substances you need for your assignment. Here are a few suggestions to help you get the information you need:

1. Use a search engine: Start by searching for each chemical name individually on a search engine like Google. Include terms like "definition," "properties," or "uses" in your search to find more detailed information. This can help you understand what each substance is and its characteristics.

2. Use online encyclopedias or databases: Websites like Wikipedia, Britannica, or chemical databases like PubChem or ChemSpider can provide comprehensive information on various substances. Look up each chemical name on these platforms to find relevant details.

3. Consult educational websites: Websites like Khan Academy or Chemguide provide educational resources explaining different chemicals and their uses. They often simplify complex terms and concepts, making it easier for students to understand.

4. Ask for help on forums or educational communities: Join online forums or communities related to chemistry or science. You can post your questions there and ask for guidance from experienced individuals who may be able to explain the substances in a clear and simple manner.

Remember, it's important to seek information from reliable sources and cross-check the information you find. By putting in some effort to research and learn, you can gain a better understanding of the substances you need for your assignment.