What type of government was applied by the emperor as described by the fact that they ruled 'fairly '

A benevolent dictatorship??


Yes the benevolent dictatorship

To determine the type of government applied by an emperor who ruled "fairly," we need to consider several factors. The key elements include the emperor's authority, decision-making process, and treatment of citizens. Here's how we can go about understanding the government type:

1. Identify the historical context: Find out the time period and region in which the emperor ruled. This information will help us narrow down potential government types.

2. Research the emperor's actions and policies: Explore the emperor's governance principles, policies, and reforms. Look for instances where they promoted fairness, justice, and equal treatment of citizens.

3. Consider the power structure: Determine how power was distributed within the government. Did the emperor hold absolute power or was it decentralized among various bodies or officials? Assess whether there were any checks and balances in place.

4. Examine the decision-making process: Investigate how decisions were made in the government. Did the emperor consult with advisors, religious leaders, or other governing institutions? Determine if there was any accountability for their decisions.

5. Review the emperor's attitude towards citizens: Evaluate how the emperor treated their subjects. Did they prioritize the well-being of the people, protect their rights, and provide fair access to resources and opportunities?

By analyzing these aspects and finding corroborating evidence from historical sources, it should be possible to determine the type of government applied by the emperor.