A cozy, quiet, nighttime reading scene. Depict a man named George, who's of Caucasian descent, deeply engrossed in reading a hardcover book that has 27 chapters under the soft light of a table lamp. On a small round table sits a hot mug of tea and three bookmarks: one marking the start of the book, one marking the first night's reading progress at chapter 3, and the third marking the current progress 8/27th into the book, as per his second night's reading. The images should reflect calmness and a love for reading without containing any text.

Explain It In one night, George reads 3 chapters of a book with 27 chapters. After the second night, he has read a total of 8/27 of the book. Explain how you would determine the number of chapters George read the second night. Solve the problem.

I have the same question for my homework. I am solving it now so i hope this helps you.

First of all, George has already read 3 chapters of a 27 chapter book. On the second night, he read 8/27 of the book. In order to make 3/27, which came from the amount of chapters George read the first night, into 8/27 we can subtract 3/27 from 8/27. The final answer would be 5/27. Therefore, George read 5/27 of the book on the second night.
Thats my answer. I hope this helped you!

- Jessica

8/27 of 27 chapters is 8 chapters he read in two nights.

8 - 3 = 5 chapters the second night

To determine the number of chapters George read on the second night, we need to find the difference between what he had read by the end of the first night and what he had read by the end of the second night.

From the given information, we know that after the first night, George had read 3 chapters out of a total of 27 chapters. Therefore, by the end of the first night, he had completed 3/27 of the book.

After the second night, George has read a total of 8/27 of the book. To find out how many chapters he read on the second night, we subtract what he had read by the end of the first night from what he had read by the end of the second night.

8/27 - 3/27 = 5/27

Therefore, George would have read 5 chapters on the second night.

i don't know the answer i am am in fith grade

Idk😠😠😠😠😠like omg