Milky uses 192 beads to make a bracelet and a necklace.It takes 5 times as many beads to make a necklace than it does to make a bracelet.How many beads are used to make the necklace

192 divided by 5 is 38 and I got remainder of 2 but I don't know what I did wrong.did I do the problem right.please help me.

The problem has optional answers...the optional answers are 32,37,160,and 165.

I already answered your question. Multiply the number of beads in a bracelet by 5.

bra = 5n

neck = n
5n +n = 192
6n = 192
6n/6 = 192
n = 32
necklace = 32
Bracelet = 160

necklace = 160

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

1. We are given that Milky uses 192 beads to make a bracelet and a necklace.

2. It is also given that it takes 5 times as many beads to make a necklace than it does to make a bracelet.

3. Let's assume that the number of beads used to make a bracelet is B, and the number of beads used to make a necklace is N.

4. According to the given information, we have the equation: N = 5B.

5. We know that the total number of beads used is 192, so we can write an equation: B + N = 192.

6. Substituting N from the second equation into the first equation, we have: B + 5B = 192.

7. Combining like terms, we get: 6B = 192.

8. Now, we can solve for B by dividing both sides of the equation by 6: B = 192 / 6.

9. Performing the division, we find that B = 32.

10. To find the number of beads used to make the necklace (N), we can substitute the value of B (32) into the equation N = 5B: N = 5 * 32.

11. Multiplying, we get: N = 160.

Therefore, the correct answer is 160 beads to make the necklace.

It seems there was a mistake in your calculation. Instead of dividing 192 by 5, you divided it by 5 and got a remainder of 2. However, 192 can be evenly divided by 5, resulting in a whole number answer.