is it possible to delete ur account if so how?

no just delete a account

how can i delete my account from my phone

Which account?

Do you want to delete a recent post you've made?

Since you don't have an account with Jiskha, I don't know what you're talking about.

oh ok

I don't know what account you want to delete, either. I think most sites do allow such a thing, but if you do not want to use an account, say at Amazon, just don't use it! If it's a credit card number you do not wish to use, change it, or, again, just don't go there.

Occasionally someone registers in the little box on the right. However, that is never looked at and should be deleted.

Well, I see that "member" option, but I wonder why bother to delete it? And since he or she didn't have a "membership" here...????? I dunno. :)

Yes, it is usually possible to delete your account on various platforms and websites. The specific process may vary depending on the platform. Here are the general steps to delete an account:

1. Log in: Ensure that you are logged into the account that you want to delete.

2. Account settings: Look for the "Account Settings" or "Profile Settings" option. It is typically located in the user menu, which is usually accessible by clicking on your profile picture or username.

3. Account deletion: Within the account settings, search for an option related to account deletion. It may be called "Delete Account," "Close Account," or something similar.

4. Confirmation: Clicking on the account deletion option will usually prompt a confirmation message to verify if you really want to delete the account. Read through the message to understand the consequences of deleting your account.

5. Complete the process: Follow the instructions provided to complete the account deletion process. This may involve entering your password, providing a reason for deleting the account, or any other required information.

6. Confirmation of deletion: In many cases, you will receive a confirmation email indicating that your account has been deleted. Keep this confirmation for your records.

It's important to note that some platforms may have a different process, privacy policy, or even restrict the deletion of an account entirely. If you cannot find the account deletion option, consider reaching out to the platform's support or reviewing their help center for more specific instructions.