On the map of the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii (distributed in class), determine the distance in miles and in kilometers from the “Patrol Cabin” (at the summit of Mauna Loa) to the “Rest House” (northeast of the summit or Mauna Loa). The scale of the map is 1:250,000

2.5 x 250,000 = 625.000

5280 ft in a mile
63,360 inches in a mile
625,000/ 63,360 =9.86 miles and 15.86 kilometers

We don't have that map.

the two places are 2.5 miles apart. I am having difficulty setting the problem up I believe its 8 miles

To determine the distance in miles and kilometers from the "Patrol Cabin" to the "Rest House" on the map, we can use the scale provided (1:250,000) along with the known distances.

1. Find the distance between the "Patrol Cabin" and the "Rest House" on the map. Measure the distance with a ruler or any measuring tool provided on the map.

2. The scale of the map is 1:250,000, which means that 1 unit on the map represents 250,000 units in reality. In this case, since we need to determine the distance in miles and kilometers, we need to convert the map scale.

3. Convert the scale 1:250,000 to miles by dividing it by 1,609.34 (because 1 mile is approximately 1,609.34 meters).

Scale in miles = 250,000 / 1,609.34

4. Convert the scale 1:250,000 to kilometers by dividing it by 1,000.

Scale in kilometers = 250,000 / 1,000

5. Multiply the distance measured on the map by the calculated scale in miles to find the distance in miles.

Distance in miles = (Distance on the map) * (Scale in miles)

6. Multiply the distance measured on the map by the calculated scale in kilometers to find the distance in kilometers.

Distance in kilometers = (Distance on the map) * (Scale in kilometers)

By following these steps, you can determine the distance in miles and kilometers from the "Patrol Cabin" to the "Rest House" using the provided map scale.