Why does Neiterkob’s daughter most likely tell the myth “The Beginnings of the Maasai”?

to explain to the reader the origin of Maasai culture

Why does Neiterkob’s daughter most likely tell the myth “The Beginnings of the Maasai”?

To understand why Neiterkob's daughter most likely tells the myth "The Beginnings of the Maasai," it's important to consider the cultural and historical context of the Maasai people. The Maasai are an ethnic group in East Africa, known for their semi-nomadic lifestyle and distinct cultural practices.

The Maasai have a rich oral tradition, which includes passing down stories, myths, and legends from generation to generation. These stories serve several purposes within the community. They provide a sense of identity and belonging, teach moral and ethical values, explain the origins of their customs and traditions, and provide a historical context for their way of life.

Now, specifically regarding Neiterkob's daughter, we can consider several reasons why she might tell the myth "The Beginnings of the Maasai":

1. Preservation of cultural heritage: By telling this myth, Neiterkob's daughter is contributing to the preservation of the Maasai cultural heritage. It ensures that the knowledge and traditions of the Maasai ancestors are passed on to future generations, thus maintaining the cultural identity of the community.

2. Educational purposes: The myth likely contains important lessons and teachings about the Maasai's origins, their relationship with the land, their social structure, and their values. By sharing this story, Neiterkob's daughter is educating others, particularly the younger members of the community, about their history and cultural values.

3. Social bonding: Storytelling plays a significant role in fostering social cohesion within the Maasai community. By sharing myths and stories, Neiterkob's daughter creates a shared experience and a sense of unity among the listeners. It allows for the transmission of knowledge, values, and collective memories, strengthening the social ties among the community members.

To summarize, Neiterkob's daughter most likely tells the myth "The Beginnings of the Maasai" to preserve the cultural heritage of the Maasai, educate others about their history and values, and foster social bonding within the community.

Can't you tell from the source material? Why do YOU think she told the story?