evaluate -(11/17^-10/(9/5)^(1/10)

answer from Reiny:

= 1/(11/17)^10 = 77.725... (I stored that in A on my calculator)

(9/5)^(1/10) = 1.0605..

so -(11/17^-10/(9/5)^(1/10)
= -77.725... /1.0605...
= -73.28837824

do we need to reciprocal -(11/17) to -(17/11) ?

You must be referring to the post from yesterday

where you had

-( -11/-17)^-10 ÷ (9/5)^(1/10)

http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1423540960yes , you could have done that.

I treated the (-11/-17)^-10
as 1/(11/17)^10 which was 77.725...

You want to do (17/11)^10 which is also 77.825..
Of yourse you can do that

remember that (a/b)^-n = 1/(a/b)^n or (b/a)^n
same thing

and of course (9/5)^(1/10) = 1.06054... , like I had
so -( -11/-17)^-10 ÷ (9/5)^(1/10)
= -(77.725..)/(1.06054...)
= - 73.28837824

I stand by my answer.

now you mention,yes I could have paste the link but i didn't think of it, SORRY!

Thank You very much!

No, there is no need to reciprocal -(11/17) to -(17/11) in this case. The negative sign remains in front of the fraction, so there is no need to change the order or the sign of the numerator and denominator.