I need to solve this problem , bought 6 ribbons each ribbon is 1/4 yard long how many yards of ribbons do i need to buy?

6 * (1/4) = ?

I don't know or get it can show me how yougot the answer?

To solve this problem, you first need to find the total length of all the ribbons you bought. Each ribbon is 1/4 yard long, and you bought 6 ribbons.

To find the total length, multiply the length of one ribbon by the number of ribbons you bought:
1/4 yard * 6 ribbons

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (the numbers on top) and the denominators (the numbers on the bottom):
1/4 * 6/1

Multiply the numerator (1 * 6) to get 6, and multiply the denominator (4 * 1) to get 4:

To simplify this fraction, divide the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2:
6/4 = 3/2

So, you need to buy 3/2 yards of ribbon.

But since it is difficult to buy a fraction of a yard, you can either round the answer up or down. In this case, it would be more practical to round up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, you need to buy at least 2 yards of ribbon.