A box in the shape of a rectangular prism has a dimension of 30 meters x 27 meters x 28 meters. What is the surface area of the box?

4,812. Thank you

2(30 * 27) + 2(27 * 28) + 2(30 * 28) = ?

ur mom

To find the surface area of a rectangular prism, you need to calculate the areas of all six sides and then add them together.

A rectangular prism has three pairs of congruent sides. The dimensions of the box are given as 30 meters x 27 meters x 28 meters.

To find the surface area of the box, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the area of the top and bottom faces: Since both the top and bottom faces are congruent rectangles, their area is equal to the product of the length and width. In this case, the length is 30 meters and the width is 27 meters. So, the area of each face is 30 meters x 27 meters = 810 square meters.

2. Calculate the area of the front and back faces: Similar to the top and bottom faces, these faces are also congruent rectangles. The length is 30 meters, and the height is 28 meters. So, the area of each face is 30 meters x 28 meters = 840 square meters.

3. Calculate the area of the left and right faces: These faces are congruent rectangles as well. The width is 27 meters, and the height is 28 meters. So, the area of each face is 27 meters x 28 meters = 756 square meters.

4. Add up the areas of all the faces: To get the total surface area, add the areas of all six faces: (2 x 810 square meters) + (2 x 840 square meters) + (2 x 756 square meters) = 5400 square meters.

Therefore, the surface area of the box is 5400 square meters.